Muhammad b. al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā, Abū ʿUmar Ibn Ḥayawayh al-Khazzāz (al-mutawaffā: 382H)
محمد بن العباس بن محمد بن زكرياء، أبو عمر ابن حيويه الخزاز (المتوفى: 382هـ)
Ibn Hayawayh Khazzaz was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the traditions and teachings of Islam. His contributions to Islamic literature and jurisprudence are notable. He was well-versed in Hadith, the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, which he meticulously compiled and interpreted for the Muslim community. His works serve as a significant reference for scholars seeking to understand the intricacies of Islamic law and ethics. His dedication to preserving the Hadith li...
Ibn Hayawayh Khazzaz was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the traditions and teachings of Islam. His contributions to Islamic literature and jurisprudence are notable. He was well-ver...
al-Thālith min Mashyikhat Ibn Ḥaywiyah
الثالث من مشيخة ابن حيويه
Muhammad b. al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā, Abū ʿUmar Ibn Ḥayawayh al-Khazzāz (al-mutawaffā: 382H) (d. 383 AH)محمد بن العباس بن محمد بن زكرياء، أبو عمر ابن حيويه الخزاز (المتوفى: 382هـ) (ت. 383 هجري)
al-Khāmis min Mashyakhat Ibn Ḥayyuwiyah
الخامس من مشيخة ابن حيويه
Muhammad b. al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā, Abū ʿUmar Ibn Ḥayawayh al-Khazzāz (al-mutawaffā: 382H) (d. 383 AH)محمد بن العباس بن محمد بن زكرياء، أبو عمر ابن حيويه الخزاز (المتوفى: 382هـ) (ت. 383 هجري)
The Sixth of Shaykh Ibn Ḥuyūyah
السادس من مشيخة ابن حيويه
Muhammad b. al-ʿAbbās b. Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā, Abū ʿUmar Ibn Ḥayawayh al-Khazzāz (al-mutawaffā: 382H) (d. 383 AH)محمد بن العباس بن محمد بن زكرياء، أبو عمر ابن حيويه الخزاز (المتوفى: 382هـ) (ت. 383 هجري)