al-Qāsim b. al-Faḍl al-Thaqafī al-Iṣbahānī (489 h)
القاسم بن الفضل الثقفي الأصبهاني (489 ه)
Ibn Fadl Isbahani, also known as Al-Qasim ibn al-Fadl al-Thaqafi al-Isbahani, was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Isfahan. He made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and history. His works are considered valuable resources for understanding the intricacies of Islamic law and the historical context of its development. Despite the challenges of his time, his scholarly pursuits and dedication to Islamic studies have left a lasting mark on the field, making his writings a subjec...
Ibn Fadl Isbahani, also known as Al-Qasim ibn al-Fadl al-Thaqafi al-Isbahani, was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Isfahan. He made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and history. ...
al-Arbaʿīn li-l-Thaqafī
الأربعين للثقفي
•al-Qāsim b. al-Faḍl al-Thaqafī al-Iṣbahānī (489 h) (d. 489)
•القاسم بن الفضل الثقفي الأصبهاني (489 ه) (d. 489)
489 AH
Fawaid Cawali
الجزء السادس من الفوائد العوالي المنتقاة من الثقفيات - مخطوط
•al-Qāsim b. al-Faḍl al-Thaqafī al-Iṣbahānī (489 h) (d. 489)
•القاسم بن الفضل الثقفي الأصبهاني (489 ه) (d. 489)
489 AH