Wajīh al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAlī al-Shībānī al-maʿrūf bi ʾIbn al-Dībʿʾ (866 AH - 944 AH / 1461 CE - 1537 CE)
وجيه الدين عبد الرحمن بن علي الشيباني المعروف ب «ابن الديبع» (866 ه - 944 ه / 1461 م - 1537 م)
Ibn al-Daybaʿ al-Shaybani, formally known as Wajih al-Din ʿAbd al-Rahman ibn ʿAli al-Shaybani, was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition. He made significant contributions to the fields of history, literature, and Islamic jurisprudence. His works, deeply rooted in the Shafi'i school of thought, reflect a profound understanding of Islamic law and ethics. Among his notable contributions is a comprehensive encyclopedia of Yemeni history and biographies, which serves as a crucial resource...
Ibn al-Daybaʿ al-Shaybani, formally known as Wajih al-Din ʿAbd al-Rahman ibn ʿAli al-Shaybani, was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition. He made significant contributions to the fields of ...
Mukaffirāt al-dhunūb wa-mūjibāt al-jannah
مكفرات الذنوب وموجبات الجنة
Wajīh al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAlī al-Shībānī al-maʿrūf bi ʾIbn al-Dībʿʾ (866 AH - 944 AH / 1461 CE - 1537 CE) (d. 944 AH)وجيه الدين عبد الرحمن بن علي الشيباني المعروف ب «ابن الديبع» (866 ه - 944 ه / 1461 م - 1537 م) (ت. 944 هجري)
Bughyat al-Irbah fi Ma‘rifat Ahkam al-Hisbah
بغية الإربة في معرفة أحكام الحسبة
Wajīh al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAlī al-Shībānī al-maʿrūf bi ʾIbn al-Dībʿʾ (866 AH - 944 AH / 1461 CE - 1537 CE) (d. 944 AH)وجيه الدين عبد الرحمن بن علي الشيباني المعروف ب «ابن الديبع» (866 ه - 944 ه / 1461 م - 1537 م) (ت. 944 هجري)
Ghayat al-Matlub wa-A‘zam al-Minnah fima Yaghfir Allah bihi al-Dhunub wa-Yujib al-Jannah
غاية المطلوب وأعظم المنة فيما يغفر الله به الذنوب ويوجب الجنة
Wajīh al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAlī al-Shībānī al-maʿrūf bi ʾIbn al-Dībʿʾ (866 AH - 944 AH / 1461 CE - 1537 CE) (d. 944 AH)وجيه الدين عبد الرحمن بن علي الشيباني المعروف ب «ابن الديبع» (866 ه - 944 ه / 1461 م - 1537 م) (ت. 944 هجري)
Nashr al-maḥāsin al-yamānīyah fī khuṣūṣ al-Yaman wa-nasab al-qaḥṭānīyah
نشر المحاسن اليمانية في خصائص اليمن ونسب القحطانية
Wajīh al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿAlī al-Shībānī al-maʿrūf bi ʾIbn al-Dībʿʾ (866 AH - 944 AH / 1461 CE - 1537 CE) (d. 944 AH)وجيه الدين عبد الرحمن بن علي الشيباني المعروف ب «ابن الديبع» (866 ه - 944 ه / 1461 م - 1537 م) (ت. 944 هجري)