Muḥammad ibn ʿAzīz al-Sijistānī, Abū Bakr al-ʿAzīrī (al-mutawaffá: 330 AH)
محمد بن عزير السجستاني، أبو بكر العزيري (المتوفى: 330هـ)
Ibn Cuzayz Sijistani was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Sijistan. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works are considered a valuable asset for scholars and students of Islamic studies. Despite the challenges of his time, he managed to produce a significant body of work that continues to be studied and referenced. His dedication to the Islamic sciences has made him a respected figure among scholars who seek to understand the complexities...
Ibn Cuzayz Sijistani was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Sijistan. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works are considered a valuable asset f...
Gharib al-Qurʾan al-musamma bi-Nuzhat al-qulub
غريب القرآن المسمى بنزهة القلوب
Muḥammad ibn ʿAzīz al-Sijistānī, Abū Bakr al-ʿAzīrī (al-mutawaffá: 330 AH) (d. 330 AH)محمد بن عزير السجستاني، أبو بكر العزيري (المتوفى: 330هـ) (ت. 330 هجري)
Kitāb Maʿrifat Ishtiqāq Asmāʾ Nuṭiqa bihā al-Qurʾān wa-Jāʾat bihā al-Sunan wa-al-Akhbār wa-Taʾwīl Alfāẓ Mustaʿmalat
كتاب معرفة اشتقاق أسماء نطق بها القرآن وجاءت بها السنن والأخبار وتأويل ألفاظ مستعملة
Muḥammad ibn ʿAzīz al-Sijistānī, Abū Bakr al-ʿAzīrī (al-mutawaffá: 330 AH) (d. 330 AH)محمد بن عزير السجستاني، أبو بكر العزيري (المتوفى: 330هـ) (ت. 330 هجري)