Ibn Bashkuwāl
ابن بشكوال
Ibn Bashkuwal was a distinguished historian and bibliographer from Al-Andalus, specifically Cordoba. He dedicated his life to the study and documentation of the history and scholars of the Islamic world, particularly focusing on the intellectual heritage of Al-Andalus. Among his notable works, the 'Kitab al-Sila' stands out as a comprehensive continuation of Ibn Hazm's 'Jawami' al-Sirah', providing invaluable insights into the biographies of Andalusian scholars. His meticulous research and dedic...
Ibn Bashkuwal was a distinguished historian and bibliographer from Al-Andalus, specifically Cordoba. He dedicated his life to the study and documentation of the history and scholars of the Islamic wor...
Ghawāmiḍ al-asmāʾ al-mubhama al-wāqiʿa fī mutūn al-aḥādīth al-musnada
غوامض الأسماء المبهمة الواقعة في متون الأحاديث المسندة
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
al-Dhayl ‘alá Juz’ Baqī ibn Makhlad min Aḥādīth al-Ḥawḍ
الذيل على جزء بقي بن مخلد من أحاديث الحوض
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
al-Silah fi Tarikh Aʾimmah al-Andalus wa ʾUlamaʾihim wa Muhaddithihim wa Fuqahaʾihim wa Udabaʾihim
الصلة في تاريخ أإمة الأندلس و علمائهم و محدثيهم و فقهائهم و أدبائهم
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
Shuyūkh Ibn Wahb li-Ibn Bashkuwāl
شيوخ ابن وهب لابن بشكوال
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
al-Athār al-Marwiyya fī al-Aṭʿima al-Sirriyya
الآثار المروية في الأطعمة السرية
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
al-Qurbah ilā Rabb al-ʿĀlamīn bi-al-Ṣalāh ʿalā al-Nabī Ṣallá Allāh ʿalayhi wa-sallam Sayyid al-Mursalīn
القربة إلى رب العالمين بالصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سيد المرسلين
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
al-Mustaghīthīn bi-Allāh taʿālā ʿinda al-muhimmāt wa-al-ḥājāt
المستغيثين بالله تعالى عند المهمات والحاجات
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)
Akhbar Ibn Wahb li-Ibn Bashkuwal - tahqiq Qasim Sa‘d
أخبار ابن وهب لابن بشكوال - تحقيق قاسم سعد
Ibn Bashkuwāl (d. 578 AH)ابن بشكوال (ت. 578 هجري)