Abu Hafs ʾUmar ibn Muhammad ibn Bujayr al-Bujayri (311 AH)
أبو حفص عمر بن محمد بن بجير البجيري (311 ه)
Ibn Bajir Bajiri was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the traditions of jurisprudence and Hadith. His scholarly pursuits were primarily focused on the interpretation and application of Islamic law, contributing significantly to the body of Islamic jurisprudence. His works, though not extensively documented in contemporary sources, are known to have provided insightful commentary on the complexities of Islamic legal principles. His dedication to the study and teaching of Islamic ...
Ibn Bajir Bajiri was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the traditions of jurisprudence and Hadith. His scholarly pursuits were primarily focused on the interpretation and application o...
Faḍāʾil al-Qurʾān li-al-Bujayrī, wa-huwa: juzʾ min mustakhrajihi ʿalā ṣiḥīḥ al-imām al-Bukhārī
فضائل القرآن للبجيري، وهو: جزء من مستخرجه على صحيح الإمام البخاري
Abu Hafs ʾUmar ibn Muhammad ibn Bujayr al-Bujayri (311 AH) (d. 311 AH)أبو حفص عمر بن محمد بن بجير البجيري (311 ه) (ت. 311 هجري)
Mustakhraj al-Bajirī ʿalā al-Jāmiʿ al-Ṣaḥīḥ lil-Bukhārī - Makhtūṭ
مستخرج البجيري على الجامع الصحيح للبخاري - مخطوط
Abu Hafs ʾUmar ibn Muhammad ibn Bujayr al-Bujayri (311 AH) (d. 311 AH)أبو حفص عمر بن محمد بن بجير البجيري (311 ه) (ت. 311 هجري)