Ibn al-Ashnānī
ابن الأشناني
Ibn Ashnani, formally known as عمر بن الحسن بن علي بن مالك بن أشرس بن عبد الله بن منجاب، أبو الحسين الشيباني, was a distinguished Islamic scholar. His contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and hadith studies are noteworthy. He was deeply involved in the scholarly debates of his time, engaging with the complexities of Islamic law and Prophetic traditions. His works, though not extensively documented in contemporary sources, played a significant role in the development of Islamic legal thought an...
Ibn Ashnani, formally known as عمر بن الحسن بن علي بن مالك بن أشرس بن عبد الله بن منجاب، أبو الحسين الشيباني, was a distinguished Islamic scholar. His contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and hadith...