al-Minhājī al-Asyūṭī
المنهاجي الأسيوطي
Ibn Ahmad Shams Din Asyuti was an Egyptian Islamic scholar, historian, and jurist, renowned for his profound knowledge in various Islamic sciences. He authored numerous works that spanned Quranic exegesis, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, Arabic language, and history. Among his notable contributions are comprehensive commentaries on the Quran and Hadith collections, which have been widely referenced and studied in Islamic scholarship. His works are characterized by their depth, precision, and scho...
Ibn Ahmad Shams Din Asyuti was an Egyptian Islamic scholar, historian, and jurist, renowned for his profound knowledge in various Islamic sciences. He authored numerous works that spanned Quranic exeg...
Jawāhir al-‘Uqūd wa-Ma‘īn al-Quḍāt wa'l-Muwaqqi‘īn wa'l-Shuhūd
جواهر العقود ومعين القضاة والموقعين والشهود
al-Minhājī al-Asyūṭī (d. 880 AH)المنهاجي الأسيوطي (ت. 880 هجري)
Kitāb Faḍāʾil al-Shām
كتاب فضائل الشام
al-Minhājī al-Asyūṭī (d. 880 AH)المنهاجي الأسيوطي (ت. 880 هجري)
Itḥāf al-akhaṣṣā bi-faḍāʾil al-Masjid al-Aqṣā
إتحاف الأخصا بفضائل المسجد الأقصى
al-Minhājī al-Asyūṭī (d. 880 AH)المنهاجي الأسيوطي (ت. 880 هجري)