Ibn Abi Saqr Anbari, also known as Abu Tahir Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of Arabic language and literature. His contributions to the study and understanding of Arabic poetry and prose are notable. He dedicated his life to exploring the depths of the Arabic language, its eloquence, and its stylistic features. His works serve as significant references for scholars interested in the linguistic and literary aspects of Arabic. His expertise in Arabic phi...
Ibn Abi Saqr Anbari, also known as Abu Tahir Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of Arabic language and literature. His contributions to the study and understand...
Mashyakhat Abī Ṭāhir Ibn Abī al-Ṣaqr (Maṭbūʿ maʿa Muʿjam Mashāyikh Abī ʿAbd Allāh Ibn ʿAbd al-Wāḥid al-Daqqāq wa-Majlis Imlāʾ fī Ruʾyat Allāh Tabāraka wa-Taʿālā)
مشيخة أبي طاهر ابن أبي الصقر (مطبوع مع معجم مشايخ أبي عبد الله بن عبد الواحد الدقاق ومجلس إملاء في رؤية الله تبارك وتعالى)
al-Wāḥidī (d. 476 AH)الواحدي (ت. 476 هجري)
Min ḥadīth Abī Ṭāhir ibn Abī al-Ṣaqr al-Anbārī - makhṭūṭ
من حديث أبي طاهر ابن أبي الصقر الأنباري - مخطوط
al-Wāḥidī (d. 476 AH)الواحدي (ت. 476 هجري)