Hishām ibn ‘Ammār ibn Nuṣayr ibn Maysarah ibn Abān al-Sulamī, wa yuqāl: al-Ẓafarī, Abū Walīd al-Dimashqī al-Muqri’ (al-mutawaffá: 245 AH)
هشام بن عمار بن نصير بن ميسرة بن أبان السلمي، ويقال: الظفري، أبو الوليد الدمشقي المقرئ (المتوفى: 245هـ)
Hisham Sulami was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition, renowned for his expertise in Quranic recitation and hadith. Residing in Damascus, he was deeply involved in the scholarly activities of his time, contributing significantly to the Islamic sciences. His work in the field of Quranic recitation, in particular, was highly regarded, making him a sought-after teacher and authority in this discipline. His dedication to the transmission of hadith also positioned him as a key figure amo...
Hisham Sulami was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition, renowned for his expertise in Quranic recitation and hadith. Residing in Damascus, he was deeply involved in the scholarly activitie...
ʿAwālī Mālik Riwāyat Hishām b. ʿAmmār
عوالي مالك رواية هشام بن عمار
Hishām ibn ‘Ammār ibn Nuṣayr ibn Maysarah ibn Abān al-Sulamī, wa yuqāl: al-Ẓafarī, Abū Walīd al-Dimashqī al-Muqri’ (al-mutawaffá: 245 AH) (d. 246 AH)هشام بن عمار بن نصير بن ميسرة بن أبان السلمي، ويقال: الظفري، أبو الوليد الدمشقي المقرئ (المتوفى: 245هـ) (ت. 246 هجري)
Hadith Hisham ibn ʾAmmar
حديث هشام بن عمار
Hishām ibn ‘Ammār ibn Nuṣayr ibn Maysarah ibn Abān al-Sulamī, wa yuqāl: al-Ẓafarī, Abū Walīd al-Dimashqī al-Muqri’ (al-mutawaffá: 245 AH) (d. 246 AH)هشام بن عمار بن نصير بن ميسرة بن أبان السلمي، ويقال: الظفري، أبو الوليد الدمشقي المقرئ (المتوفى: 245هـ) (ت. 246 هجري)