Karniliyus Fan Dayk
كرنليوس فان ديك
Kurniliyūs Fān Dīk, also known as Cornelius Van Dyck, was an influential figure in the field of translation and education in the Arab world. He was deeply involved in the translation of the Bible into Arabic, a monumental task that required not only a deep understanding of the languages involved but also of the cultural nuances. His work in this area is considered a significant contribution to the Arabic literary world. Additionally, Van Dyck played a crucial role in the development of modern me...
Kurniliyūs Fān Dīk, also known as Cornelius Van Dyck, was an influential figure in the field of translation and education in the Arab world. He was deeply involved in the translation of the Bible into...
Iktifāʾ al-qanūʿ bimā huwa maṭbūʿ, ashhur al-taʾālīf al-ʿArabiyya fī al-maṭābiʿ al-sharqiyya wa-al-gharbiyya
اكتفاء القنوع بما هو مطبوع، أشهر التآليف العربية في المطابع الشرقية والغربية
Karniliyus Fan Dayk (d. 1313 AH)كرنليوس فان ديك (ت. 1313 هجري)
al-‘Ahd al-Qadīm wa’l-Jadīd
العهد القديم والجديد
Karniliyus Fan Dayk (d. 1313 AH)كرنليوس فان ديك (ت. 1313 هجري)