ʿAlī al-Kūrānī
علي الكوراني
Cali Kurani Camili was a distinguished Islamic scholar and theologian. He dedicated his life to the study and teaching of Islamic sciences, contributing significantly to the fields of hadith and jurisprudence. His scholarly works, deeply rooted in the traditions of Ahl al-Bayt, have been widely recognized for their depth and insight. Through his teachings and writings, he played a crucial role in the education of many scholars who followed in his footsteps, ensuring the continuation of Islamic s...
Cali Kurani Camili was a distinguished Islamic scholar and theologian. He dedicated his life to the study and teaching of Islamic sciences, contributing significantly to the fields of hadith and juris...
Asmā al-Farāʾiḍ wa-Ashrafuhā Farīḍat al-Amr bi'l-Maʿrūf wa'l-Nahy ʿan al-Munkar
أسمى الفرائض وأشرفها فريضة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
ʿAlī al-Kūrānī (d. 1445 AH)علي الكوراني (ت. 1445 هجري)
‘Aṣr al-Ẓuhūr
عصر الظهور
ʿAlī al-Kūrānī (d. 1445 AH)علي الكوراني (ت. 1445 هجري)
Alf Suʾāl
ألف سؤال
ʿAlī al-Kūrānī (d. 1445 AH)علي الكوراني (ت. 1445 هجري)