Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd ibn Ḥumayd ibn Naṣr al-Kasī wa yuqāl lahu: al-Kashī bil-fatḥ wa al-iʿjām (al-mutawaffā: 249h)
أبو محمد عبد الحميد بن حميد بن نصر الكسي ويقال له: الكشي بالفتح والإعجام (المتوفى: 249هـ)
Abu Muhammad Abd al-Hamid ibn Hamid ibn Nasr al-Kisi, commonly known as al-Kishi, was a distinguished Islamic scholar. He is renowned for his contributions to the field of Hadith, where his compilations and narrations have been highly regarded. Among his notable works is a Musnad, a collection of Hadiths traced back to the Prophet Muhammad through various chains of transmission. His scholarly efforts have been instrumental in preserving the teachings and traditions of Islam, making his works a v...
Abu Muhammad Abd al-Hamid ibn Hamid ibn Nasr al-Kisi, commonly known as al-Kishi, was a distinguished Islamic scholar. He is renowned for his contributions to the field of Hadith, where his compilatio...
al-Muntakhab min Musnad ʿAbd ibn Ḥumayd
المنتخب من مسند عبد بن حميد
Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd ibn Ḥumayd ibn Naṣr al-Kasī wa yuqāl lahu: al-Kashī bil-fatḥ wa al-iʿjām (al-mutawaffā: 249h) (d. 249 AH)أبو محمد عبد الحميد بن حميد بن نصر الكسي ويقال له: الكشي بالفتح والإعجام (المتوفى: 249هـ) (ت. 249 هجري)
Min ʿAwālī Musnad ʿAbd ibn Ḥumayd - Makhtūṭ
من عوالي مسند عبد بن حميد - مخطوط
Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd ibn Ḥumayd ibn Naṣr al-Kasī wa yuqāl lahu: al-Kashī bil-fatḥ wa al-iʿjām (al-mutawaffā: 249h) (d. 249 AH)أبو محمد عبد الحميد بن حميد بن نصر الكسي ويقال له: الكشي بالفتح والإعجام (المتوفى: 249هـ) (ت. 249 هجري)