Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami
سبط ابن العجمي
Burhan Din Sibt Ibn Cajami was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist within the Shafi'i school of thought. He was renowned for his deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence and his ability to articulate complex legal principles in a clear and accessible manner. His works contributed significantly to the body of Islamic legal literature, serving as essential references for scholars and students alike. His expertise was not limited to jurisprudence; he also made notable contributions to oth...
Burhan Din Sibt Ibn Cajami was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist within the Shafi'i school of thought. He was renowned for his deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence and his ability to a...
al-Kashf al-Hathīth ‘amman Rumiya bi-Waḍ‘ al-Ḥadīth
الكشف الحثيث عمن رمي بوضع الحديث
Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami (d. 841 AH)سبط ابن العجمي (ت. 841 هجري)
al-Ḥawāshī ʿalá Sunan b. Mājah
الحواشى على سنن ابن ماجه
Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami (d. 841 AH)سبط ابن العجمي (ت. 841 هجري)
al-ightibāṭ bi-man rumiya min al-ruwāt bi-al-ikhtilāṭ
الاغتباط بمن رمي من الرواة بالاختلاط
Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami (d. 841 AH)سبط ابن العجمي (ت. 841 هجري)
al-Tabyīn li-Asmāʾ al-Mudallisīn
التبيين لأسماء المدلسين
Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami (d. 841 AH)سبط ابن العجمي (ت. 841 هجري)