al-Bakrī al-Dimyāṭī
البكري الدمياطي
Bakri Dimyati, a revered Islamic scholar, made significant contributions to the field of Islamic jurisprudence. He is best known for his deep expertise in the Shafi'i school of thought. His scholarly works, particularly in the interpretation and application of Islamic law, have been widely recognized and referenced. Among his notable contributions is his commentary on the works of Imam Nawawi, which has served as a critical resource for scholars and students of Islamic jurisprudence. His dedicat...
Bakri Dimyati, a revered Islamic scholar, made significant contributions to the field of Islamic jurisprudence. He is best known for his deep expertise in the Shafi'i school of thought. His scholarly ...
Ḥāshiyat Iʿānāt al-Ṭālibīn ʿalā Ḥall Alfāẓ Fatḥ al-Muʿīn li Sharḥ Qurrat al-ʿAyn bi-Muhimmāt al-Dīn
حاشية إعانة الطالبين على حل ألفاظ فتح المعين لشرح قرة العين بمهمات الدين
al-Bakrī al-Dimyāṭī (d. 1310 AH)البكري الدمياطي (ت. 1310 هجري)
al-Durar al-Bahiyya fī-mā Yalzam al-Mukallaf min al-ʿUlūm al-Sharʿiyya
الدرر البهية فيما يلزم المكلف من العلوم الشرعية
al-Bakrī al-Dimyāṭī (d. 1310 AH)البكري الدمياطي (ت. 1310 هجري)