Riḍwān ibn Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf al-ʿUqabī Abī al-Naʿīm al-Mustamlī
رضوان بن محمد بن يوسف العقبي أبي النعيم المستملي
Abu Nucaym Mustamli, originally named Ridwan bin Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Uqbi, was a distinguished Islamic scholar. His contributions to Islamic literature and history are notable, with his works focusing on the traditions and virtues of figures in Islamic history. He dedicated his life to the study and teaching of Islamic sciences, earning respect and recognition among his peers and students. His scholarly work remains a reference for those interested in the rich tapestry of Islamic tradition and...
Abu Nucaym Mustamli, originally named Ridwan bin Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Uqbi, was a distinguished Islamic scholar. His contributions to Islamic literature and history are notable, with his works focusi...