Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Musa al-Sharif, Abu ‘Ali al-Hashimi al-Baghdadi
محمد بن أحمد بن أبي موسى الشريف، أبو علي الهاشمي البغدادي
Abu Cali Hashimi, originally named Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abi Musa, was a distinguished scholar from Baghdad. He was deeply rooted in the Hashimi lineage, which added to his prestige in scholarly circles. His contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and theology were profound, with his works being referenced by scholars and students alike. His writings, characterized by depth and clarity, covered various aspects of Islamic law and ethics, making him a respected figure among his contemporaries. Des...
Abu Cali Hashimi, originally named Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abi Musa, was a distinguished scholar from Baghdad. He was deeply rooted in the Hashimi lineage, which added to his prestige in scholarly circ...
ʿAqīdat al-Imām Abī ʿAlī al-Hāshimī al-Ḥanbalī
عقيدة الإمام أبي علي الهاشمي الحنبلي
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Musa al-Sharif, Abu ‘Ali al-Hashimi al-Baghdadi (d. 428 AH)محمد بن أحمد بن أبي موسى الشريف، أبو علي الهاشمي البغدادي (ت. 428 هجري)
al-Irshād ilā Sabīl al-Rashād
الإرشاد إلى سبيل الرشاد
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Musa al-Sharif, Abu ‘Ali al-Hashimi al-Baghdadi (d. 428 AH)محمد بن أحمد بن أبي موسى الشريف، أبو علي الهاشمي البغدادي (ت. 428 هجري)