ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī
عبده الراجحي
Abdo El-Raghi was a renowned linguist and scholar whose work significantly contributed to the field of Arabic grammar and linguistics. His academic writings focused extensively on the historic development and intricacies of the Arabic language, offering insights and critical analysis that enriched the understanding of classical texts. El-Raghi was dedicated to the modernization and teaching of Arabic linguistics, making substantial efforts in academia to elevate the study and appreciation of the...
Abdo El-Raghi was a renowned linguist and scholar whose work significantly contributed to the field of Arabic grammar and linguistics. His academic writings focused extensively on the historic develop...
al-taṭbīq al-ṣarfī
التطبيق الصرفي
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)
al-ʿArabiyya al-jāmiʿiyya li-ghayr al-mukhtaṣṣīn
العربية الجامعية لغير المختصين
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)
fī al-taṭbīq al-naḥwī wa-al-ṣarfī
في التطبيق النحوي والصرفي
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)
al-naḥw al-ʿarabī wa-al-dars al-ḥadīth
النحو العربي والدرس الحديث
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)
ʿilm al-lughah al-taṭbīqī wa-taʿlīm al-ʿarabīyah
علم اللغة التطبيقي وتعليم العربية
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)
Fiqh al-lughah fī al-kutub al-ʿArabīyah
فقه اللغة في الكتب العربية
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)
al-ṭabīq al-naḥwī
التطبيق النحوي
ʿAbduh al-Rajḥī (d. 1431 AH)عبده الراجحي (ت. 1431 هجري)