J. D. BERNAL: Science in History. 4 vols. 3rd ed. Pelican 1969.
J. BRONOWSKI: The Common Sense of Science. Pelican 1960.
M. R. COHEN: Reason and Nature. Free Press, Glen-coe, 1959.
RNEé DUMONT: L’Utopie oe la Mort. Paris (Seuil) 1974.
JEAN FOURASTLé: Les Conditons de l’esprit scientifiqe. Paris, NRF, (Collection “Idées”) 1966.
J. FRANAU: La Pensée sceintifique. Bruxelles, Editions Labor, 1966.
N. R. HANSON: Patterns of Discovery. Cambridge U. P., 1958.
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