١٨٦٤ he resigned his post at Calcutta and returned to Oxford. In ١٨٦٥ he was made select preacher before the university، and in ١٨٦٦ was presented by his college to the rectory of Great Leighs، near Chelmsford، Essex، where he remained for the rest of his life. He was appointed Grinfield lecturer on the Septuagint in ١٨٦٩، and one of the Old Testament revisers in ١٨٧٠. He took a prominent part in their labours، but there were 'not a few changes with which he disagreed.' He was eminently conservative in his criticism، and contributed to the 'Speaker's Bible' commentaries on Isaiah (١٨٧٥) and on the Epistle to the Hebrews (١٨٨١). The historical illustrations to Isaiah are hardly equal to the expectations of modern criticism. He also furnished the notes on Ezekiel in the commentary published by the Christian Knowledge Society. He was an honorary canon of St. Albans، and one of the bishop's chaplains. Kay died، after much suffering، ١٦ Jan. ١٨٨٦. He was unmarried، and had for many years lived the life of a recluse، dividing his time between his biblical studies and the care of his parish.
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