الجبر الذاتي


(53) Pringle-Pattison, S.


The Idea of God, (The Clarenidom press te Gfford leetures for 1912-13). 1917. (54) Rashdall, H.: The theory of Good and Evil, 2 vols (The Clarendon Press) 1907. (55) Richardson, C. A.: Spiritual pluralism and Modern philosophy, (Camb, at tfe univ. press). 1919. (56) Ross, W. D.


The Right and the Good, (The Clarendon Press) 1930. (57)

______ : Aristotle, 3rd. ed. (Methven and Co.) 1937. (58) Russell, B.: Mysticism and Logic 2nd. impression (longmans) 1918. (59)


An Outline of Philosophy, (Allen and univin) 1917. (60)


1910. (61)

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