Darwinian Populations (Oxford University Press, 2009), and the collection
The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited , edited by Kim Sterelny and Brett Calcott (MIT Press, 2011).
الفصل الخامس: الأنواع والتصنيف
Marc Ereshefsky’s article 'Species’, in the online
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , offers a good overview of the species problem. Book-length treatments include John Wilkins’s
Species (University of California Press, 2009) and Robert Richards’s
The Species Problem (Cambridge University Press, 2010). Mayr’s biological species concept is set out in his
Animal Species and Evolution (Harvard University Press, 1963). A useful overview of species concepts is Jerry Coyne and H. Allen Orr’s 'Speciation’ in A. Rosenberg and R. Arp (eds.)
(Blackwell, 2009). The species-as-individuals thesis is set out by David Hull in 'A matter of individuality’,
45, 1978; a good discussion is Thomas Reydon’s 'Species are individuals, or are they?’,
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