21/3 (Sept. 1998).
For a general essay on 'primitivism’, and a more specific one on Giacometti, see Evan Maurer and Rosalind Krauss in William Rubin (ed.),
(Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1984), vol. ii. The best introduction to ethnography and Surrealism is James Clifford,
The Predicament of Culture (Harvard University Press, 1988), part two, but see also Denis Hollier, 'The Use-Value of the Impossible’,
60 (Spring 1992). On anti-colonialism see Michael Richardson and Krzysztof Fijalkowski,
The Refusal of the Shadow: Surrealism and the Caribbean (Verso, 1996). A useful essay on Wifredo Lam is Robert Linsley, 'Wifredo Lam: Painter of Negritude’,
Art History,
11/4 (Dec. 1988). For Alejo Carpentier on Surrealism see the prologue to his novel
The Kingdom of the World (André Deutsch, 1991). For Eastern European and Japanese Dada see Gerald Janecek and Toshiharu Omuka (eds.),
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