الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا

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الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


الفصل الرابع: «من أنا؟» عقل أم روح أم جسد؟

On Dada irrationalism see Richard Sheppard,


ch. 7. For Surrealism’s psychoanalytic links see Elisabeth Roudinesco,

Jacques Lacan and Co: A History of Psycho-Analysis in France 1925-1985 (Free Association, 1990), part one. On Ernst’s 'Pietà’ see Malcolm Gee,

Ernst/Pietà or Revolution by Night (Tate Gallery, 1986) and for psychoanalysis in Surrealist art, David Lomas,

The Haunted Self (Yale University Press, 2000). Dada attitudes to the machine, and Cartesian dualism, are dealt with in my

Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst: The Bride Shared (Oxford University Press, 1998), chs. 1 and 2. For Bataille’s thought see Michael Richardson,

Bataille (Routledge, 1994) as well as Bataille’s own writings as cited above. Richard Sheppard is again excellent on Dada and mysticism (

Modernism , ch. 10) but see also Timothy O. Benson’s essay 'Mysticism, Materialism and the Machine in Berlin Dada’,

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