الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا

هنري تشادويك ت. 1450 هجري

الدادائية والسريالية: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Cut with the Kitchen Knife: The Weimar Photomontages of Hannah Höch (Yale University Press, 1993). The attacks on Surrealist painting were Max Morise, 'Les Yeux enchantés’,

La Révolution Surréaliste,

1 (Dec. 1924) and Pierre Naville,

La Révolution Surréaliste,

3 (15 April 1925). There are numerous monographs on individual Dadaist and Surrealist artists, but see William Camfield,


(Princeton University Press, 1979) and

Max Ernst: Dada and the Dawn of Surrealism (Prestel, 1993); Hans Hess,

George Grosz (Yale University Press, 1985); Jacques Dupin,

Joan Miró (Thames &; Hudson, 1962); William Rubin and Carolyn Lanchner,

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