عودة الموت الأسود: أخطر قاتل على مر العصور

يوهان ديفيد فيس ت. 1450 هجري

عودة الموت الأسود: أخطر قاتل على مر العصور


There have been many books written about plagues and in particular about the Black Death, but most promulgate the theory that bubonic plague was responsible or are concerned with the social consequences of the pandemic.

Twigg, G. (1984)

The Black Death: A Biological Appraisal , London: Batsford Academic. This was the first book to assemble the evidence and to show convincingly that bubonic plague was not responsible for the Black Death.

Shrewsbury, J. F. D. (1970)

A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This gives a comprehensive account of the epidemics in England, although it is a rather boring read. Shrewsbury believed whole-heartedly that

Yersinia pestis

was responsible for the pestilence but, as a medical microbiologist, realized that this was an impossibility in many of the epidemics. His repeated attempts to rationalize the situation spoil an important compendium. A must if you want to find out about recorded plague epidemics in your local area.

We have presented a new, scientific and mathematical approach to the epidemiology in Scott, S. and Duncan, C. J. (2001)

Biology of Plagues: Evidence from Historical

, Cambridge: Cambridge University

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