عالمات أوروبيات في الكيمياء


New York Times,

August 13, 1996.

Saxon, W. (1996) Maria Telkes, Hungarian-American Solar-Energy Advocate and Pioneer.

Rocky Mountain News,

August 19, 1996.

Society of Women (1952)

Engineers, Award Committee: Date of Award: March 15, 1952 ; S. W. E. Convention, New York, NY.

Ujfaludi, L. (2003) A napenergia-hasznosítás roved története. (Short history of solar energy utilization.)

Fizikai Szemle. (Review of Physics), 3, 99-114.

http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz0303/ujfal0303.html .

صفحة غير معروفة