Supplement 19, 7-13.
Makes a case against the tradition that argued a Greek origin for the Argead rulers of Macedon. Acceptance of such a tradition, however, may have been useful for the Macedonian kings.
Greenwalt, W. S. 2003. Archelaus the Philhellene.
Ancient World
34.2, 131-53.
Focusing on the interest of Archelaos II in Greek culture, the author argues that it served as a tool for extensive change in Macedonian society, politics, and economic organization.
Hatzopoulos, M. B. 1986. Succession and Regency in Classical Macedonia.
Archaia Makedonia
4, 279-92.
That priority of succession was given to the ruling king’s first-born son is the argument of this important scholar of Macedonia. (5) فيليب
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