ببلوغرافيا لكتب الحديث والسنة بالغة الإنكليزية
مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف بالمدينة المنورة
Hameedullah، Mustafa Azami and Dr. Muhsin Khan. (Here ends the summary) .
As mentioned earlier، the body of Hadith literature in English has continued to expand rapidly. It is، however، a great pity that the valuable work of one of the greatest traditionists of recent times، Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani، has been largely ignored by English writers. The only exception is his work called “The Prophet’s Prayer” which was translated into English by my son Dr. Usama Hasan (١٩٩٣) .
I hope and pray that the humble work in hand will be a milestone on the long road that has been trodden on before me and will continue to be walked upon by many others in the future. I will be honoured and consider myself fortunate if my modest treatise can be of service to future students who are in pursuit of this noble knowledge. May Allah accept this effort and bestow his blessings upon it. Ameen.
Suhaib Hasan
London، ٣٠th Rabi’al Akhir ١٤٢٤ AH
٣٠th June ٢٠٠٣
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