[ Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. al-Ḥajjāj) ](/work/200)[ Leiden, UB, Or. 680 ](/ms/668)

transcribed by [ Josep Casulleras ](/team/9)

This is a transcription of Books I to VI of al-Ḥajjāj’s translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest , as it is preserved in manuscript Leiden Or 680, which contains al-Ḥajjāj’s complete Arabic version of the Almagest (Books I to XIII). This note contains the conventions, symbols, sigla, and abbreviations used in the transcription.

I indicate in footnotes the folio correspondences between the Leiden manuscript (siglum L) and the British Library Add 7474 manuscript (siglum BL), which contains only Books I-VI of al-Ḥajjāj’s translation. The current order of folios of manuscript BL, as it is preserved, does not correspond to its original shape. This is the correct order (three points indicate one possible missing folio): ... ... 1c (Book I), 2, 3 ... 4, 5 ... 7 ... 8, 9, 11, 10, 13, 12, 14, 15 ... 20, 21, 22, 16 – 19, 23 (Book II), 24, 26, 28 – 39, 114, 40 – 43 ... 44, 45, 6, 111, 109, 47 – 50, 110, 113, 123, 52 – 54 ... ... ... ... 55, 56 (Book III), 51, 107, 57 – 64, 46, 127, 65 – 72, 126, 125, 73, 74, 76 – 79 (Book IV), 81, 82, 124, 87, 83, 75, 85 ... ... 86, 80, 88, 84, 89 – 98, 115, 99 – 105 (Book V), 106, 108, 112, 25, 116, 117 – 121, 27, 122, 128 – 154 (Book VI) – 157 ... 158 – 183v.

I have consulted BL, Gerard of Cremona’s Latin translation of the Arabic version of the Almagest (transcribed by Stefan Georges and [ available on the PAL website ](/print/1/70/transcription/1) ), and Toomer’s English translation of the Greek Almagest for some difficult or ambiguous passages. However, I only indicate textual variants in BL when these occur at the beginning of a new folio in BL and, in general, I have not introduced corrections based on either BL or the translations by Gerard of Cremona and Toomer.

Transcription conventions

I have normalized in many places, without particular indications:

* the writing of * hamza' * , * madda * , * alif * and * alif maqṣūra * ;

(عما، أنهم...)

I have added * shaddas * to the text, except those indicating assimilation of solar letters and those of the relative pronouns.

I have preserved manuscript versions of proper names in spite of the existence of modern standard versions of them. For example, I keep ادطوسنانس (I.12) for Eratosthenes instead of إراتوستينس or other modern variants.

I have unified the different variants of some proper names found in the manuscript. For example, I use:

* ثوث for Thoth (Egyptian month I), and not توث , توت or other variants than can be found in MS L;

In the transcription, these “normalized” names are indicated between the symbols ^ and &.

I give in footnotes the equivalences in Toomer’s English translation of the geographical names of Chapter 6 of Book II.


heading, the <>-brackets surround a numbering, Roman numerals (I II III...) are for books and Arabic numerals (1 2 3...) are for chapters, separated by a period (e.g. <I>, <II.1>, <II.2>).


on mouseover.

Sigla and abbreviations

Beirut, 1968

Tunis, 1968

New York – Berlin – Heidelberg - Tokio, 1984

ed. 1896-8, reprint 1986

صفحہ 2