ما بعد الحداثة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا

نوین کابد رؤف d. 1450 AH

ما بعد الحداثة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا

ما بعد الحداثة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Emily Martin’s article 'The Egg and the Sperm - How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles’ is printed in Evelyn Fox Keller and Helen E. Longino (eds),

Feminism and Science (Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 103. Scott Gilbert’s article is cited by

Koertge op cit., p. 63.

الفصل الثالث

Foucault’s discussion of the episteme takes place in his

The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences (Tavistock, 1970).

Men, when they get angry and abuse women, seem to find stereotypical, subordinating norms alarmingly available. See George Lakoff,

Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Human Mind (University of Chicago Press, 1987), 380ff.

الفصل الرابع

Brian McHale presents his views on ontological uncertainty in postmodernist writing in his

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