حقیقت: مختصر مقدمہ

الحقيقة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Did Adam and Eve Have Navels? (W. W. Norton, 2000).

Felix Eberty first describes his idea of the present universe as a massive visual archive of the past in a short anonymous pamphlet

Die Gestirne und die Weltgeschichte; Gedanken über Raum, Zeit und Ewigkeit

published in 1846. It was further developed by Harry Mulisch in his 1997 novel

The Discovery of Heaven : 'If we had the technology to place a mirror on a celestial object forty light-years away, beamed images from earth to that mirror, then gazed at it through a very powerful telescope, we would see right now reflections of what took place on earth eighty years ago - forty years for earth’s light to reach the distant planet, and forty years for the reflection to reach earth. Past and present merge.’

On the phantom time hypothesis, see Heribert Illig,

Das erfundene Mittelalter. Die größte Zeitfälschung der Geschichte (Econ, 1996). Material in English is limited, a summary can be found in Hans-Ulrich Niemitz’s 'Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?’, at

http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/volatile/Niemitz-1997.pdf . For a brief discussion, see also John Grant’s

Bogus Science (Wisley, 2009), pp. 179-85.

For an accessible summary of the delayed-choice experiment, see Nick Herbert’s

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