Rousseau: Çok Kısa Bir Giriş

Ahmet Muhammed Rubi d. 1450 AH

Rousseau: Çok Kısa Bir Giriş

روسو: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Rousseau en France après la Révolution, 1795-1830 (Paris, 1972) provides the most comprehensive treatment; as, with respect to Germany, does Jacques Mounier’s

La Fortune des écrits de Rousseau dans les pays de langue allemande de 1782 à 1813 (Paris, 1980); with regard to Italy, Silvia Rota Ghibaudi’s

La fortuna di Rousseau in Italia (1750-1815) (Turin, 1961); and, in English thought, Henri Roddier’s

J. J. Rousseau en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle (Paris, 1950) and Jacques Voisine’s

Rousseau en Angleterre à l’époque romantique (Paris, 1956). Guillemin’s '

Cette affaire infernale’: L’affaire J. J. Rousseau-David Hume, 1766 (4th edn, Paris, 1942) offers a lively reading of Rousseau’s year of torment in the hands of a man who meant him well. For anticipations of Kant in Rousseau’s philosophy, the classic text remains Cassirer’s

Rousseau, Kant and Goethe , first published in 1945 (New York, 1963). Among the most notable accounts of Rousseau’s literary or philosophical reputation in assessments of later commentators are Trousson’s

Rousseau et sa fortune littéraire (Bordeaux, 1971) and Tanguy L’Aminot’s

Images de Jean-Jacques Rousseau de 1912 à 1978 (Oxford, 1992).

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