Yunan Felsefesinin Hikayesi
قصة الفلسفة اليونانية
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Yunan Felsefesinin Hikayesi
Zeki Necip Mahmud d. 1414 AHقصة الفلسفة اليونانية
STACE (1) A Gritical History of Greek
وكان عليه أكبر اعتمادنا، ومنه أكثر اقتباسنا
ZELLER (2) Outline of Greek Philosophy.
ERDMANN (3) History of Philosophy.
DURANT (4) A Story of Philosophy.
BURNET (5) Greek Philosophy.
BENN (6) History of Ancient Philosophy.
A. E, BAKER (7) How to understand Philosophy.
LUDWIG NOIRÉ (8) Development of Philosophic thought from Thales to Kant.
DRESSER (9) History of Ancient and Medieval
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