Timbuktu Kitap Kaçakçıları: Tarihi Şehre Ulaşma Çabası ve Yarış
مهربو كتب تمبكتو: السعي للوصول إلى المدينة التاريخية والسباق من
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Timbuktu Kitap Kaçakçıları: Tarihi Şehre Ulaşma Çabası ve Yarış
Muhammed Hamid Darviş d. 1450 AHمهربو كتب تمبكتو: السعي للوصول إلى المدينة التاريخية والسباق من
Abun-Nasr, Jamil M.
A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period . Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Adams, Robert.
The Narrative of Robert Adams, a Sailor, Who Was Wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa, in the Year 1810, Was Detained Three Years in Slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, and Resided Several Months in the City of Tombuctoo.
London: John Murray, 1816.
Ag Ghaly, Iyad. Transcript of audio message to the people of Timbuktu. Translated by Aaron Y. Zelin. Cited at jihadology.net.
Ag Mohamed, Houday.
Tombouctou 2012: La ville sainte dans les ténèbres du jihadisme.
Bamako: La Ruche à Livres, 2013.
Ag Mouchallatte, Aljimite. “Tombouctou: Manifestation anti Ansar Adine/ AQMI ce weekend.” Toumast Press, April 24, 2012.
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