Doğu Meselesi ve Paris Konferansı
المسألة الشرقية ومؤتمر باريس
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Doğu Meselesi ve Paris Konferansı
Muhammed Mustafa Safvat d. 1380 AHالمسألة الشرقية ومؤتمر باريس
F. O. 78 Torkey.
Lord Eversley: The Turkish Empire, 2nd ed., 1923.
W. Miller: The Ottoman Empire & Its Successors 1927.
N. Yorga Geschichte des Osmanischen Reicbes, Gotha 1913.
Bulwer: Life of Palmerston.
V. Y. puryear England Russia & the Straits convention, California 1931.
Hansard Parliamentary Debâtes.
Webster: Foreign policy of Castlereagh.
Herstlet: Map of Europe by Treaty.
Ernesl Molden: Die Orientpolitik Metternichs (1829-37), Wien 1913.
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