İnsan Özgürlüğü ve Bilim: Felsefi Bir Sorun

Yumna Tarif Khuli d. 1450 AH

İnsan Özgürlüğü ve Bilim: Felsefi Bir Sorun

الحرية الإنسانية والعلم: مشكلة فلسفية


Refutations: the Growth of Scientific knowledge, Routledge & Kegan paul, London, 1976 . (39)

Reichenbach. Hans, Relativity Theory and Apriori knowledge, trans. & edited with introduction by Maria Reichenbach, University of California Press, 1958 . (40)

Russell. Bertrand, The Scientific Outlook, George Allan & Unwin, L.T.D., London, 1934 . (41)

Russell. Bertrand, Mysticism and Logic, penguin books, L.T.D., London, 1953 . (42)

Russell. Bertrand, Problems of

1973 . (43)

Ryan, Allan (ed.), The Idea of Freedom, Oxford University Press, 1979 . (44)

Ryddnik, V.,A.B,C of Quantum Mechanics, trans by: George Yaukovsky, Peace

date . (45)

Smith. Norm Kemp, The Philosophy of David Hume, Macmillan Co., London, 1990 . (46)

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