Kitaptan Olmayan Bölüm

Mesleme-i Mecriti d. 398 AH

Kitaptan Olmayan Bölüm

Fasl laysa min al-kitab min kalam Maslama b. Ahmad



[ Maslama al-Majrīṭī, Faṣl laysa min al-kitāb min kalām Maslama b. Aḥmad ](/work/207)[ Paris, BnF, arabe 4821 ](/ms/659)

transcribed by Paul Hullmeine

The so-called extra-chapter by Maslama ibn Aḥmad [al-Majrīṭī], which follows Maslama’s notes on Ptolemy’s Planisphaerium (in the same manuscript fol 69v-75v), has been edited and translated into Spanish in J. Vernet and M. A. Catalá, “Las obras matematicas de Maslama de Madrid” in Al-Andalus 30, 1965, pp. 15-45. A list of corrections for Vernet’s and Catalá’s edition is attached in [ P. Kunitzsch and R. Lorch, Maslama’s Notes on Ptolemy’s Planisphaerium and Related Texts , Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, München 1994, pp. 64 and 71-72 ]( . Further information on the manuscript material, the author and the content can be found in the two mentioned publications and the further literature listed on this website. The star table on f. 81v has been discussed in P. Kunitzsch, Typen von Sternverzeichnissen in astronomischen Handschriften des zehnten und bis vierzehnten Jahrhunderts , Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1966, pp. 15-18.

In general, I have applied the PAL transcription rules. The most important symbols are the following:

[ ] indicate words or letters that are to be omitted.

† † indicate words or letters that are illegible.

< > indicate words or letters that must be added.

A period (.) indicates a paragraph ending symbol in the manuscript. No further punctuation marks are used.

Diacritical signs missing from the manuscript are added. Mistakes by the scribe are kept in the transcription, but in case the correct form is obvious it is indicated in footnotes.

This transcription has been compared to the editions by Vernet and Catala (in the apparatus abbreviated as * VC * ). Every deviation from these editions is indicated in a footnote.

<II> فصل ليس من الكتاب من كلام مسلمة بن أحمد

Sayfa 76