Nazi Almanyası: Çağdaş Avrupa Tarihi Üzerine Bir Çalışma (1939-1945)
ألمانيا النازية: دراسة في التاريخ الأوروبي المعاصر (١٩٣٩–١٩٤٥)
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Nazi Almanyası: Çağdaş Avrupa Tarihi Üzerine Bir Çalışma (1939-1945)
Muhammed Fuad Şükrü d. 1392 AHألمانيا النازية: دراسة في التاريخ الأوروبي المعاصر (١٩٣٩–١٩٤٥)
Mackworth, C. Czechoslovakia Fights Back. London 1942. (138) “Michael.” France Still Lives. London 1942 . (139)
Motz, R. Belgium Unvanquished. London 1942. (140)
Myklebost, T. They Came as Friends. (Nazi-Occupied Norway). London 1943. (141)
1942. (142)
1941. (143)
1941. (144)
Simon, V. The Gestapo at work in Norway. (Forward By ...) London 1942. (145)
Tayler, E. L. The Strategy of Terror. New York. 1940. (146)
Segal, S. Nazi Rule in Poland. London 1943. (147)
Sudjic, N. J. Yugoslavia in Arms. London 1942. (148)
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