Çözülmemiş Tarihi Gizemler: Zaman Boyunca En Esrarengiz Olaylara Heyecan Verici Bir Bakış
ألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن
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Çözülmemiş Tarihi Gizemler: Zaman Boyunca En Esrarengiz Olaylara Heyecan Verici Bir Bakış
Şeyma Taha Raydi d. 1450 AHألغاز تاريخية محيرة: بحث مثير في أكثر الأحداث غموضا على مر الزمن
Mark Steinberg and Vladimir Khrustalev,
The Fall of the Romanovs (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995). A useful collection of documents including letters between Nicholas and Alexandra, parts of their diaries, minutes of government meetings, and other official papers .
John F. O’Conor,
The Sokolov Investigation (New York: Robert Speller & Sons, 1971). Includes translations of sections of Sokolov’s report, along with a harshly critical commentary .
Anthony Summers and Tom Mangold,
The File on the Tsar (New York: Harper & Row, 1976). An impressive investigation of the investigator, even though the discovery of the Romanov bones ultimately disproved the Summers-Mangold theory .
Anastasia (Boston: Little, Brown, 1983). An entertaining albeit overly credulous investigation of Anna Anderson .
Edvard Radzinsky,
The Last Tsar,
trans. from the Russian by Marian Schwartz (New York: Doubleday, 1992). Radzinsky is a prominent Russian playwright, and that’s both the book’s strength and its weakness. As literature, it’s engrossing and evocative; as history, it’s frustratingly vague and undocumented .
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