Haggarty, J. (1976),
The Wisdom of Adam Smith , Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund (collection of key quotations from Smith’s works).
Heilbroner, R. L., with L. J. Malone (1986),
The Essential Adam Smith , Oxford: Oxford University Press (abridged version of Smith’s main writing, with introductory notes). (3) كتب عن آدم سميث وأعماله
Buchan, J. (2006),
Adam Smith and the Pursuit of Perfect Liberty , London: Profile Books (arguing that Smith’s ideas do not fit within modern political categories).
Campbell, R. H., and A. S. Skinner (1982),
Adam Smith , London: Croome Helm (biography with clear summaries of Smith’s main works).
Fry, M. (ed.) (1992),
Adam Smith’s Legacy , London: Routledge (Smith’s place in modern economics, as seen by Paul Samuelson, Franco Modigliani, James Buchanan and other prominent economists).
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