Çocuk Edebiyatı: Çok Kısa Bir Giriş
أدب الأطفال: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Edinburgh Critical Guide: Children’s Literature (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008); Nicholas Tucker and Nikki Gamble,
Family Fictions (London: Continuum, 2001).
For a discussion of children’s literature as a genre, see Perry Nodelman (2008) as above.
The quote from Jacqueline Rose (1984, as above) appears on p. 44.
Works cited: Kimberley Reynolds (2007) as above; Andrew O’Malley,
The Making of the Modern Child: Children’s Literature and Childhood in the Late Eighteenth Century (New York and London: Routledge, 2003).
الفصل الخامس: رؤى للمستقبل
Works that raise questions about messages contained in children’s literature include: Herbert R. Kohl,
Should We Burn Babar?: Essays on Children’s Literature and the Power of Stories (New York: The New Press, 1995), and Joseph Zornado,
Inventing the Child: Culture, Ideology and the Story of Childhood (London: Garland, 2000). A detailed study of recent dystopian children’s fiction is Clare Bradford, Kerry Mallan, John Stephens, and Robyn McCallum,
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