Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi
ابن جزي الكلبي
Ibn Jazi al-Kalbi, an Islamic scholar from Granada, was noted for his multiple contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and history. He authored 'Al-Tasheel li Ulum al-Tanzeel', an exegesis of the Quran, which is renowned for its comprehensive coverage and analytical depth. He was also famed for his legal manual 'Al-Qawanin al-Fiqhiyya', which deals with Islamic laws and is appreciated for its clarity and precision in the explanation of juridical issues.
Ibn Jazi al-Kalbi, an Islamic scholar from Granada, was noted for his multiple contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and history. He authored 'Al-Tasheel li Ulum al-Tanzeel', an exegesis of the Quran...
Fıkhi Kurallar
القوانين الفقهية
Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi (d. 741 AH)ابن جزي الكلبي (ت. 741 هجري)
Tenzil İlmine Kolaylaştırma
التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل
Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi (d. 741 AH)ابن جزي الكلبي (ت. 741 هجري)
Taqrib Wusul
تقريب الوصول إلي علم الأصول
Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi (d. 741 AH)ابن جزي الكلبي (ت. 741 هجري)
The Essential in the Science of Religion
كتاب الضروري في علم الدين
Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi (d. 741 AH)ابن جزي الكلبي (ت. 741 هجري)