Muharribu Kutub Tumbuktu
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Muharribu Kutub Tumbuktu
Muhammad Hamid Darwish d. 1450 AHمهربو كتب تمبكتو: السعي للوصول إلى المدينة التاريخية والسباق من
21, no. 1 (1990): 63-88. --- .
The Image of Africa: British Ideas and Action, 1780-1850.
Madison: University of Wisconsin
Daniel, Serge. “Mausolées détruits au Mali: Bamako denónce une furie destructrice.” AFP, in
La Presse (Canada), June 12, 2012. --- . “Timbuktu’s History at Risk As Rebellion Moves In.” AFP, in
National Post (Canada), April 3, 2012. “Dans Tombouctou coupée du monde, le régne de la débrouille.” Les Observateurs, France 24, January 2, 2013.
Davidson, Basil.
Africa in History: Themes and Outlines.
London: Phoenix Press, 2001.
De Jorio, Rosa. “The Fate of Timbuktu’s Sufi Heritage: Controversies Around Past Traces and Current Practices.” In
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