Dhaqanka Aasaasiga ah ee Umam: Hierarkiyadda iyo Jamhuuriyadda
الأسس الثقافية للأمم: الهرمية والعهد والجمهورية
Raadiyadii ugu dambeeyay halkan ayay ka soo muuqan doonaan
Dhaqanka Aasaasiga ah ee Umam: Hierarkiyadda iyo Jamhuuriyadda
Safiya Mukhtar d. 1450 AHالأسس الثقافية للأمم: الهرمية والعهد والجمهورية
Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
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Nationalism and Social Communication,
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Dever, William (2003):
Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?,
Grand Rapids, MI, and Cambridge: W. B. Eerdmans.
Dever, William (2004): “Histories and Non-Histories of Ancient Israel: The Question of the United Monarchy,” in Day (2004, 65-94).
Dieckhoff, Alain and Jaffrelot, Christophe (eds.) (2005):
Revisiting Nationalism: Theories and
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