Dhibaatada Culuumta Bini'aadanimada
مشكلة العلوم الإنسانية: تقنينها وإمكانية حلها
Hill, D. E, The Impact And Value Of Science, Hutchinson, London, 1945 . (18)
Homans. George C., The Nature Of Social Science Harcourt, New York, 1967 . (19)
Hutten. Ernest, The Ideas Of Physics, Oliver & Boyd, London, 1967 . (20)
Jeans. James, The Mysterious Universe, Camberidge, University Press, 1933 . (21)
Katz, Jerold, Problems Of Induction And Its Solutions, University Of Chicago Press, 1962 . (22)
Kuhn, Thomas, The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions, University Of Chicago Press, 1970 . (23)
Margenau. Henery, The Nature Of Physical Reality, Mcgraw Hill, New York, 1960 . (24)
Margolis, Joseph, Science Without Unity: Reconciling The Human And Natural Sciences, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987 . (25)
Mill. J. S, System Of Logic, Book1, Ed. By J. M. Robson, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1973 . (26)
Myrdal, Gunner, Objectivity In Social Research, Gerold Duckworck, London, 1970 . (27)
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