Khuraafaad: Hordhac Kooban
الخرافة: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
A Grammar of Motives (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1945), pp. 430-40; 'Myth, Poetry and
Journal of American Folklore , 73 (1960): pp. 283-306.
, 5th edn., I, pp. 281-2. Hero myths are a surprising category for someone for whom all myths are seemingly about physical events.
On the application of cognitive psychology to religion, under which would fall myth, see Pascal Boyer,
The Naturalness of Religious Ideas (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994).
Johann Georg von Hahn,
Sagwissenschaftliche Studien (Jena: Mauke, 1876), p. 340; tr. Henry Wilson in John C. Dunlop,
History of Prose Fiction , rev. Wilson (London: Bell, 1888), in an unnumbered attachment to the last page of vol. I.
Vladimir Propp,
Bog aan la aqoon