John Locke: Soo Koobid Gaaban
جون لوك: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Civil Society: History and
(Cambridge University Press, 2001), and 'Measuring Locke’s Shadow’, in
Locke’s Letter on Toleration and Two Treatises of Government (ed. Ian Shapiro, Yale University Press, 2003). There are important modern studies on Locke’s political theory in French (notably those of Jean-Fabien Spitz), German, Japanese, and Italian. An annual periodical,
The Locke Newsletter (up to 2000), now
Locke Studies , published by Roland Hall, Department of Philosophy, University of York, provides regular information on current research into Locke’s life and thought. Its first issue was an invaluable bibliography, since republished in a fuller form as Roland Hall and Roger Woolhouse,
Eighty Years of Locke Scholarship. A Bibliographical
Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1983).
Six works which illuminate the background to important aspects of Locke’s writings are Michael Hunter,
Science and Society in Restoration England (Cambridge University Press, 1981); Quentin Skinner,
The Foundations of Modern Political Thought (2 vols., Cambridge University Press, 1978); Richard Tuck,
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