John Locke: Soo Koobid Gaaban
جون لوك: مقدمة قصيرة جدا
Locke (Penguin, 1993), a full and careful presentation of many of his incidental writings on politics in Locke,
ed. Mark Goldie (Cambridge University Press, 1997), and a valuable selection of Locke’s
Writings on Religion (ed. Victor Nuovo, Clarendon Press, 2002). Other published works of Locke are still most conveniently consulted in the 18th - or 19th - century editions of his
Collected Works.
Maurice Cranston’s
John Locke: A Biography (Longman, London, 1957) is informative but less vivid than Laslett’s Introduction to the
Two Treatises . There is a major modern biography of Shaftesbury by K. H. D. Haley,
The First Earl of Shaftesbury (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1968), and a remarkable (if not invariably reliable) study of Locke’s role in Shaftesbury’s political enterprises in the late Richard Ashcraft’s
Revolutionary Politics
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