Outlines of psychology (Longmans, Green and Co.) 1884. (70) Taylor, A. E: Elemets of Metaphysics 8th. ed., (Methuen and Co.), 1927. (71)
work, 4th. ed (Methuem and Co.), 1937. (72) Ward, J.
Naturalism and Agnosticism 2 vols 2nd. ed. (Adam and Charles Black), 1899. (73)
The Realm of Ends, 3rd. ed., (Comb. at the unive. press, the Gifford lectures for 1907-10) 1920. (74)
(Cam. Univ. press). 1918. (75) Whitehead, A. N. Process and Reality, (Macmillan, The Gifford Lectures for 1927-1929.) (76) Woodworth, R. S.: Psychology, 15th. ed. (Methuem and Co.) 1944. (77)
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